Hero Crystal Calculator

I need Hero Crystals.

I have gems banked.

I currently receive gems every Monday from Coliseum Rankings.

I currently receive gems every Monday from Arena Rankings.

I receive my 12 Hero Crystals from Bottle Caps every week.

I will purchase 5,600 Gem Package(s) from the Shop ($29.99) every week.

I will purchase 10,800 Gem Package(s) ($69.99) every 2 weeks.

I will purchase gems from the Resource tab in the Shop as needed.


You will 10x summon heroes
times and will cost you
Note: Depending on how many Unique heros you've already obtained, your hero crystal count could be much higher based on duplicate pulls. That is very hard to account for in the calculator so the above numbers are more or less a worst case scenario as you can potentially pull upwards to 100 hero crystals on one summon with a single duplicate hero.

These numbers assume you will do your arena, guild attendance dailies while picking up your mail gems.