Raid Boss Elements

Below are the last 335 Raid/Conquest Encounters and their respective bosses / elements.

The more diverse these element / boss combinations become, the happier raiders will be.

Ancient Demon 4 1 7 - - 7
Arabelle - 2 - - - -
Bullworm - - - 15 - -
Carmen - - - - 1 -
Cyborg Erina 6 - - 14 - 1
Elphaba - 5 4 - - -
Elvirabium - - - 2 - 2
Empire Knight - 4 - 5 - 1
Fairy 7 - - 1 11 -
Garam 13 - - - 7 -
Gast 3 - - 1 14 -
Goblin Chief - - - - - 15
Harvester 7 - 9 - - 1
Invader Commander - 2 16 - - -
Invader Director 4 3 - - 3 -
Jerry Little Bolt - 1 - - - -
Lava Slime - 1 - - - 18
Mad Panda - - 8 11 - -
Marina 1 - 1 - 15 -
Minister Duncan - 9 8 1 - -
Minotaur - - 1 1 - 14
Miss Chrome - - 2 - - -
Sandmonster 1 2 - 1 - -
Shadow Beast - 14 2 2 - -
Terrorist 1 - - 1 2 -
Viper Clan Leader 8 10 - - 1 -

Boss Elemental Info

In Guardian Tales each raid boss has an element. If you attack that element with the opposing element (with elemental advantage) you’ll do 30% more damage to that boss and taking 30% less damage from that boss’ attacks. In contrast, if you attack that boss with the opposing element (w/ disadvantage) you’ll be doing 30% less damage and taking 30% more damage from their attacks.

The above list showcases the historical representation of the bosses and the elements that are commonly applied to that boss. Most bosses in Guardian Tales (up until this point) favors a given element but in the future, perhaps, we’ll see more diversity, which means we’ll be able to create new strategies with new characters and elemental teams to combat those bosses.