Patch Notes - April 6th, 2021

Raid Bosses

Cyborg Erina
Goblin Chief

No new hero! (boo hiss)

But there are 9 banners to work with. They are Eugene, Lapice, Lupina, Lahn, Nari, Miya, Vishuvac, Alef and Rue.

50 free summoning events!

  • There is an event where you can use the summon once a day and 10 times for free.
  • For more information on the event, please refer to the [Event] bulletin board.

CoOp / Multiplayer Changes

  • The cooperative battle is officially open.
  • A battle medal has been added as a stage reward and the amount of gem rewards has been increased.
  • Cooperative battles are opened alternately weekly with the existing arena.

CoOp Reward Changes

lvl / old reward / new reward
  • lvl 50 - 53 Gems - 125 Gems, 5 Battle Medal
  • lvl 60 - 54 Gems - 150 Gems, 5 Battle Medal
  • lvl 70 - 55 Gems - 170 Gems, 6 Battle Medal
  • lvl 75 - 56 Gems - 185 Gems, 6 Battle Medal
  • lvl 80 - 57 Gems - 200 Gems, 7 Battle Medal
  • lvl 85 - 58 Gems - 210 Gems, 7 Battle Medal

Daily missions and event points change as the co-op and arena are opened alternately on a weekly basis.

Daily Mission

  • Arena participation mission deleted
  • Colosseum participation mission reward change
  • - Original: 5,000 gold
  • - Changed: 50 Gems (same as the reward for the previous Arena participation mission)
  • Awakening Dungeon 3 clear missions added
  • - Reward: 5,000 gold (same as the reward for the previous Colosseum participation mission)

Event Point

  • It will be changed so that event points cannot be acquired in the Arena.
  • - Existing: You can get 60 points when you consume Arena tickets, and you can get up to 60 points in proportion to your achievement in Awakening Stone Dungeon.
  • In the Awakening Stone Dungeon, you can get up to 180 points in proportion to your achievement.

Daily Mission

  • A special floating comic cartoon has been added.
  • Floating special comics are added regularly.

Labyrinth of nothingness

  • Labyrinth of Nothingness begins.
  • It is a labyrinth of nothingness that can be played as non-property heroes.
  • Earth Labyrinth begins. This is a labyrinth of land that can be played as persistent heroes.
  • The difficulty of floors 10, 20, 24, 25, 30, 37, and 40 has been lowered.

Hero and exclusive weapon improvement and error correction

Guardian / atk (increase) / def (increase)
  • Aleph - 174 (+6) - 42 (+6)
  • Eugene - 171 (+4) - 51 (+4)
  • Rue - 209 (+13)

  • Aleph
  • - Aleph's party effect is increased to +80% ranged defense.
  • - The delay time of Aleph linker is slightly reduced.
  • Rue
  • - Lu's charge preparation time is reduced by 0.05 seconds, and the charge duration is increased by 0.05 seconds, increasing the range by 1.2 spaces.

Exclusive weapon improvement

  • Terminator
  • - Terminator's Weapon Skill Sled Support Shot's range is increased by 1 space, and when used by Lu, the charge time is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
  • - The distance of the Terminator's Lu exclusive option is increased by 1 space.
  • Prominence
  • - Prominence's Purifying Flame damage increased to 285% of damage per second.
  • Sareunga
  • - Increases the range of the Desert Desert Train by 0.5 spaces.

Super Costume -A super costume

  • Super costumes can be obtained through the manufacture of goods workshops or by consuming mysterious threads at the store.
  • Mysterious Thread can be obtained by acquiring the Super Costume you already have in the Goods Workshop.
  • You can improve the hero's performance by raising the knowledge level of the super costume.
  • Knowledge-Hero-You can enjoy the super costume obtained in the appreciation mode.
  • Each Super Costume can be acquired only once, and cannot be equipped with the Hero Costume.
  • Super costumes are added in advance to some content, such as the shop and knowledge, but can be obtained and used after the March 31 (Wed) update.

Paid Packages

Special Hero Growth Package
  • 200 Hero Crystals
  • 20 Legendary Awakening Stones

Special package for warm spring days
  • 2,700 gems
  • 1,000 stamina

LIVE EVENT: Once Upon a Time in Berrywood

  • Once Upon a Time in Berrywood Live Event will be reprinted.
  • You can get all the rewards once again by playing the stages.
  • For more information on the event, please refer to the [Event] bulletin board.

Guild Raid'The Battle of the Moon'

  • Guild Raid 'battle of wolha "is in progress.
  • 4 Mon 3 days (Sat) and will continue detailed instructions will guide you through the drills known to the Borrower Friday.

2021. Season.3 Grow straight with the Guardian Pass!

  • You can acquire'Pride of the Kwon', the exclusive weapon of Seonsan Gwonsa Pei/Mei.
  • For more information, please refer to the [Event ] bulletin board.
