Patch Notes - March 19th, 2024
New Guardian
Name: Rimuru
Group Buff:
Group Buff:
Melee Atk
to Injured
Exclusive Weapon:

Rimuru's Blade
Epic One Handed Sword
610-670 DPS
Water Atk 194-213
Crit Hit Chance 5%
Def +12%
HP +14%
Skill Damage +10%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +12%
[Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest only]
On hit, inflicts an additional 40% of DPS as melee damage with a 50% chance, and reduces water type resistance by 30% for 3 seconds.
When using Gluttony, increase allies' Atk by 30% for 5 seconds.
On hit, inflicts an additional 40% of DPS as melee damage with a 50% chance, and reduces water type resistance by 30% for 3 seconds.
When using Gluttony, increase allies' Atk by 30% for 5 seconds.
[Required Limit Break 5]

Raid Bosses


Minister Duncan

Mad Panda

Lava Slime
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (First Half) Update
1. Collaboration-『Guardian Tales』 X 『That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime』Collaboration Period will proceed as follows.
└ First Half: After the update on (Tue) March 19 ~ (Tue) April 2 04:59 (UTC)*
└ Second Half: After the update on (Tue) April 2 ~ (Tue) April 16 04:59 (UTC)*
Short Story
- New short story for 'That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime' is added.
※ Short Story will open after clearing World 2 - Stage 2.
※ When the collaboration period is over, the short story will be unplayable.
※ When the collaboration period is over, you will not be able to obtain Purple Coin and Star Piece from this Short Story.
2. Hero and Equipment
New Hero and Equipment
- Add a new hero, 'Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest' along with a Japanese voice. (CV. Miho Okasaki)
ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Melee Damage +50%
- Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest's Exclusive Weapon 'Rimuru’s Blade' ★★★★★ is added
- The Unique One-Handed Sword, Beast’s Fang ★★★ is added.
- Add a new hero, 'Shrine Maiden (Kannagi) Shuna' along with a Japanese voice (CV. Sayaka Senbongi)
ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Weapon Skill Regen Speed +30% / Skill Damage +30%
※ Shrine Maiden (Kannagi) Shuna can be obtained from Event Reward and will not appear through Summon.
- Shrine Maiden (Kannagi) Shuna's Exclusive Weapon 'Shuna’s Staff' ★★★★★ is added.
- The Unique Staff, Shaman’s Staff ★★★ is added.
Voice Addition and Improvement
- Added voice for hero 'KAI'
- Fixed the Japanese voice actor name of the '1st Corps Commander' display incorrectly
ㄴ 'Yume Maehara' -> 'Yume Maihara'
※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in each language.
3. Summon and Pick-up Event
Hero Pick-up Event
ㄴ Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-16 05:00:00 (UTC)*
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 1: Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest
ㄴ Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-02 05:00:00 (UTC)*
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 2: Demon Queen Lilith
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 3: Legendary Hero Erina
ㄴ Pick-up Hero 4: Elite Royal Guard Captain Valencia
Equipment Pick-up Event
ㄴ Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-16 05:00:00 (UTC)*
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 1: Rimuru’s Blade
ㄴ Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-02 05:00:00 (UTC)*
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 2: Queen's Grace
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 3: Balmung
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment 4: Arges
4. Live Event
- To celebrate 『Guardian Tales』 X 『That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime』Collaboration, Live Event is in progress.
Event time
- Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-16 05:00:00 (28 days, UTC)*
- Reward Receivable Time: 2024-04-23 04:59:59 (UTC)*
Bonus Character: <+50%> Rimuru <+20%> Shuna, Catherine, Gremory, Karina, Male Knight / Female Knight
- 6 Event Rift Stages
- Event mission, Accumulative Point Reward Distribute
- Event Mission Details
└ Accumulative Stamina Mission
└ Daily Stamina Mission
└ Event Rift clear count mission
※ The main rewards obtainable through live event are Shrine Maiden (Kannagi) Shuna and Shrine Maiden (Kannagi) Shuna's Exclusive Weapon x1, enough Evolution Stone to evolve Shuna to 5★, and Rimuru costume x1
※ Bingo Event will be added in the second half. The main rewards of the Bingo Event include Shrine Maiden(Kannagi) Shuna's Exclusive Weapon x5, 1 costume each for Shrine Maiden(Kannagi) Shuna and Tyrant of Destruction Milim Nava.
※ In the second half, the Live Event and Bingo Event can be run together.
5. Attendance Events
- Attendance Event is held to celebrate the Collaboration.
Event time: After maintenance on (Thu) March 19 ~ (Thu) April 16 04:59:59 (UTC)*
Event Precautions:
Even after the event ends, you can still check the attendance rewards for 30 days.
6. Boost Event
- 'Boost Event' allows you to earn double rewards unlimitedly during the event period.
ㄴ In this update, the Boost event is applied to the Awakening Dungeon
ㄴ Event time After maintenance ~ 2024-04-02 04:59:59 (UTC)*
7. Guild Raid
Guild Raid "Grand Hall"
ㄴSchedule: 2024-03-20 16:00:00 ~ 2024-03-27 15:59:59 (UTC)*
ㄴBoss list: Minister Duncan (Dark), Returned Harvester (Basic), Lava Slime King (Fire), Altered Mad Panda MK-3 (Earth)
8. Guild Meteor Excavation
- New season of Meteor Excavation has started.
- Season time: 2024-03-27 16:00:00 ~ 2024-04-03 15:59:59 (UTC)*
9. Co-op Mode
Co-op mode change
- CO-OP mode has been changed, and the new season of CO-OP mode has started.
- Season time: 2024-03-24 16:00:00 ~ 2024-03-31 15:59:59 (UTC)*
10. Kama-ZONE
New Season
- Kama-zone new season has started.
- Season time: After maintenance ends ~ 2024-04-16 05:10:00 (UTC)*
- Artifacts and special events with a 'Western Movies' theme are returned.
11. Shop - Costume
Hero Costume
ㄴ Shizu Costume Rimuru
ㄴ Kimono Shuna
ㄴ Dragon Queen Lilith
ㄴ Fierce Commander Erina
ㄴ Thousand Hand Aisha
ㄴ Challenger Morrian
ㄴ Unrecorded World Future Knight
ㄴ Wandering Swordsman Valencia
ㄴ The First Dragon Hunter
ㄴ Superstar Lupina
ㄴ Entertainment Journalist Lahn
ㄴ Weathercaster Eleanor
ㄴ High Class Devil
ㄴ Oni Kanna
ㄴ Mahjong Rey
ㄴ Cute Berserker Amy
Equipment Costume
ㄴ Stygian Crescent Blade
ㄴ Stubby Snake Spear
ㄴ White Tiger Shield
ㄴ Wavy Sword
ㄴ Dragon Hunter Staff
ㄴ Cloud Basket
ㄴ Broadcast Camera
ㄴ Kitchen Gloves
12. Shop - Package
1. Time Limited Package
Sale period: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-02 05:00:00 (UTC)*
1) Collaboration Package #1 (4 times per account)
- Paid gem x1,500, Exp x400,000, Gold x200,000, Awakening Dungeon Box(Lv.70) x15, Summon Controller x5
2) Collaboration Package #2 (4 times per account)
- Paid gem x3,000, Exp x1000,000, Gold x500,000, Awakening Dungeon Box(Lv.70) x40, Summon Controller x10
3) Collaboration Package #3 (3 times per account)
- Paid gem x6,000, Option Change Stone x20, Option Lock Stone x40,Awakening Dungeon Box x100, Summon Controller x20
4) Collaboration Package #4 (5 times per account)
- Stamina x1,000
5) Collaboration Package #5 (1 times per account)
- Summon Controller x100, Option Change Stone x60, Option Lock Stone x100, Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x1
6) Epic Limit Breaking Hammer Package (5,000 gems) (1 times per account
- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x1
7) Special Sale Package (5,000 gems) (1 times per account)
- Option Change Stone x20, Option Lock Stone x20
2. Collaboration Relay
Sale period: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-02 05:00:00 (UTC)*
* For Collaboration Relay, after purchasing from the first round to #6 within the period 03/19 to 04/02 once again, you can purchase from #1 to #6.
1) Collaboration Relay #1
- Paid gem x2,700, Summon Controller x35
2) Collaboration Relay #2
- Paid gem x2,700, Summon Controller x35
3) Collaboration Relay #3 (Free)
- Stamina x500
4) Collaboration Relay #4
- Paid gem x2,700, Summon Controller x35
5) Collaboration Relay #5
- Paid gem x10,000, Summon Controller x100, Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x1
6) Collaboration Relay #6 (Free)
- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x1
3. Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest Relay Growth Package
Sale period: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-04-16 05:00:00 (UTC)*
※ The Unique Hero Growth Package appears after a hero is summoned.
※ The Unique Hero Growth Package is available to purchase for 7 days from the time of initial display and will not be displayed in the store again after 7 days without purchase.
※ After the sales period ends, the package cannot be purchased, regardless of the remaining purchase period.
1) Relay #1
- Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest Evolution Stone x500, Summon Controller x10, Legendary Awakening Stone x30, Awakening Dungeon Box x30
2) Relay #2
- Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest Evolution Stone x500, Summon Controller x10, Legendary Awakening Stone x60, Awakening Dungeon Box x90
3) Relay #3 (Free)
- Eight-Star Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest Evolution Stone x160, Hero Crystal x140
4) Relay #4
- Hero Crystal x400, Summon Controller x10, Exp x5,000,000, Gold x5,000,000
5) Relay #5
- Summon Controller x30, Mirror Shard x3,000
6) Relay #6 (Free)
- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x1, Hero Crystal x160
4. Returning Guardian's Package
Sale period: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-05-28 05:00:00 (UTC)*
1) Returning Guardian's Jumping Package (1 time per account)
- Select one of Unique Hero or Exclusive Weapon, Awakening Dungeon Box x10, Summon Controller x60
2) Returning Guardian's Premium Package (1 time per account)
- Stamina x500, Summon Controller x40, Awakening Dungeon Box x30, Gold 1,200,000, EXP 2,400,000, Hero Crystal x60
3) Returning Guardian's Support Package (Free) (1 time per account)
Day 1: Summon Controller x10
Day 2: EXP 400,000
Day 3: Gold 200,000
Day 4: Awakening Dungeon Box x5
Day 5: Hero Crystal x10
Day 6: EXP 400,000
Day 7: Gold 200,000
Day 8: Awakening Dungeon Box x5
Day 9: Hero Crystal x10
Day 10: EXP 400,000
Day 11: Gold 200,000
Day 12: Awakening Dungeon Box x5
Day 13: Hero Crystal x10
Day 14: Summon Controller x10
13. New Guardian Attendance Event
● Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-05-28 04:59:59 (UTC)*
Target: For those who made an account and accessed Guardian Tales for the first time after maintenance
Day 1: Gem 1,000
Day 2: EXP 100,000
Day 3: Gold 100,000
Day 4: Awakening Dungeon Box 10
Day 5: Dream Evolution Stone 40
Day 6: Legendary Exclusive Equipment Box
Day 7: Summon Controller 10
Day 8: Hero Crystal 40
Day 9: EXP 200,000
Day 10: Gold 200,000
Day 11: Legendary Awakening Stone 10
Day 12: Dream Evolution Stone 80
Day 13: Strengthening Hammer Lv.40
Day 14: Epic Exclusive Equipment Box
Day 15: Gem 2,000
Day 16: EXP 300,000
Day 17: Gold 300,000
Day 18: Awakening Dungeon Box 20
Day 19: Dream Evolution Stone 80
Day 20: Legendary Limit Breaking Hammer
Day 21: Summon Controller 20
Day 22: Hero Crystal 60
Day 23: EXP 400,000
Day 24: Gold 400,000
Day 25: Legendary Awakening Stone 20
Day 26: Dream Evolution Stone 120
Day 27: Strengthening Hammer Lv.50
Day 28: Epic Limit Breaking Hammer
● Event precautions
- You can still check the attendance reward for 30 days after the event ends.
- The Attendance Event for new Guardians will be updated periodically.
14. Returning Guardian Attendance Event
Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-05-28 04:59:59 (UTC)*
Target: Old Guardian with no log-in history in the last 14 days.
Day 1: Stamina x200
Day 2: EXP x600,000
Day 3: Gold x600,000
Day 4: Hero Crystal x30
Day 5: EXP x600,000
Day 6: Awakening Dungeon Box x15
Day 7: Summon controller x10
Event precautions
- You can still check the attendance reward for 10 days after the event ends.
- The Attendance Event for Returning Guardians will be updated periodically.
15. Eva's Special Training for the Return of the Guardian
- Returning Guardian event, a new season of 'Eva's Special Training for the Return of the Guardian' will begin.
ㄴ Returning Guardian event can obtain various rewards through login, missions, and shop.
● Event time: After maintenance on 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-05-28 04:59:59 (UTC)*
● Target: Returning Guardian event - can participate if an account that cleared World 1 or higher has not accessed the game in the last 14 days.
※ In Eva's Returning Guardian Mission, Merch Crafting and World Exploration Complete Mission will be changed to Hero and Equipment Summon Mission
※ "Princess' Edict" that can be obtained from Eva's Returning Guardian Special Training shop and missions will be changed to "Star Piece"
● Event Precautions
- You can participate in the event by logging in during the event period. The event will last for 14 days ba
- Reward Obtainable Period: Rewards can be claimed for 16 days from the event end date (14 days after the event ends).
- Even after the event period is over, each Guardian can proceed with the event and receive the reward for the remaining event period.
ㄴ [Example] For Guardians who returned from 2024-04-01 12:00 *04:00 UTC, the event can be held until 2024-04-15 12:00 *04:00 UTC and compensation can be obtained by 2024-05-01 12:00 *04:00 UTC
- You can participate only once in a season for the returning Guardian event.
※ Guardians who have not accessed the game for 14 days but progressed in Eva's Special Training for the Return of the Guardian of the previous season are eligible
All the history of the previous season, including the progress period, event points, and mission progress, will be reset.
ㄴ [Example] If a new season starts after the previous season's event has been completed for about 5 days, the event progress is reset and can be continued for 14 days.
16. Other Fixes and Corrections
- Fixed partial issue where the damage dealt to a boss by an individual in a guild raid is displayed as a negative number when it exceeds approximately 2.1 billion.
ㄴ The value will be displayed as the corresponding accumulated damage if the accumulated damage exceeds the max value of 2,147,483,647.
※ As previously announced, all excess accumulated damage will be properly displayed and applied to the guild total damage.
※ The max value that can be displayed is scheduled to be fixed and applied on (Tue) April 2 update for Global
- Fixed the issue where the back button in the lobby behind the screen works in the exchange tab selection state of the Dungeon Kingdom Arena.
- World 16-5, fixed the issue where a specific camera is repeatedly exposed after the death and revived at Temple of Lightning in the Lightning Rod Area.
- World 16-9, fixed the issue where the SFX of healing is lacking and does not display when using a specific healing altar.
- World 16-11, fixed the issue where certain monsters do not attack until they are being hit within the battle area.
- World 16-14, fixed the issue where some of KAI's lines are not displayed at a certain resolution.
- World 16-18, fixed the issue where a crash occurs when moving in a specific area.
- Fixed the issue where the Hero's action is abnormally exposed when the hero is attracted to the magnet gimmick while facing the 12 o'clock direction.
17. Change App Icon
- Changed the app icon to the new image.
Official Patch Notes can be found here but you may want to use Google Chrome to translate it from Korean to your native language.