Patch Notes - August 6th, 2024
New Guardian
Name: Beach Racer Rachel
Group Buff:
Group Buff:
to Injured
Exclusive Weapon:

Milkyway Trophy
Epic One Handed Sword
594-653 DPS
Water Atk 189-207
Crit Hit Chance 5%
Def +12%
HP +12%
Skill Damage +10%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +12%
[Beach Racer Rachel only]
Increases Payback's damage by 170% of DPS and Ailment will be applied.
When using Flag Race, Atk increases by 30% for 5 seconds.
Increases Payback's damage by 170% of DPS and Ailment will be applied.
When using Flag Race, Atk increases by 30% for 5 seconds.
[Required Limit Break 5]

Raid Bosses


Invader Commander

Lava Slime

Invader Director
Beach Racer Rachel Update
1. Hero and Equipment- Added new hero 'Beach Racer Rachel'.
ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] DEF +45%
- Added Rachel's Exclusive Weapon "Milkyway Trophy”.
※ New Hero Rachel and her Exclusive Weapon - Milkyway Trophy will be available in the Mileage Shop and Selectable Summon after the update on September 17 (Tue).
- Added English voice for Hero 'Dabin’.
- Added English voice for Heavenhold Visual Novel - The Heavenly Maiden and the Sage from the Pond.
※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in English.
- Hero 'Lena' will turn around before attack when the enemy is beyond the wall and AI is a leader.
- Hero 'Dabin' will turn around before attack when the enemy is beyond the wall when played by AI.
2. Summon and Pick-up Event
Hero Pick-up Event
ㄴ Event Period: 2024-08-06 after maintenance ~ 2024-08-20 04:59 (UTC*).
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-20 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-19 21:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-20 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-20 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-20 14:59 AET
ㄴ Pick-up Hero: Beach Racer Rachel
Equipment Pick-up Event
ㄴ Event Period: 2024-08-06 after maintenance ~ 2024-08-20 04:59 (UTC*).
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-20 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-19 21:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-20 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-20 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-20 14:59 AET
ㄴ Pick-up Equipment: Milkyway Trophy
3. Guild Meteor Excavation
- New season of Guild Meteor Excavation will be available.
- Season Period: 2024-08-15 00:00 ~ 2024-08-21 23:59 (*server-time).
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-15 00:00 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-15 00:00 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-15 00:00 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-15 00:00 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-15 00:00 AET
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-21 23:59:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-21 23:59:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-21 23:59:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-21 23:59:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-21 23:59:59 AET
4. Guild Raid
- Guild Raid "Speed Racer" will be available.
ㄴ Global Raid Period: 2024-08-08 00:00 ~ 2024-08-14 23:59 (server-time*).
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-08 00:00 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-08 00:00 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-08 00:00 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-08 00:00 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-08 00:00 AET
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-14 23:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-14 23:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-14 23:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-14 23:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-14 23:59 AET
ㄴ Appearing Boss: Returned Harvester (Light), Invader Commander (Normal), Lava King Slime (Fire), Invader Director (Water).
5. Co-op Expedition
- Co-op Expedition will be released officially, and Season 1 - Dark Immortal Succession Arc: Stirring Darkness will be implemented where Guardians can enjoy new co-op stages and stories.
ㄴ Period: 2024-08-06 after maintenance ~ 2024-11-26 04:59 (UTC*).
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-11-26 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-11-25 20:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-11-26 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-11-26 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-11-26 15:59 AET
※ With the end of the Final Beta, Hall of Fame will be reset. It will not be reset after the reset.
※ With the end of the Final Beta, Likes will be reset. Likes will be reset after each season is completed.
※ Hall of Fame for New Season's Challenge Stages will be implemented.
1) Balance Changes of Normal Stages
- Required Mystic Resistance for all Normal Stages are changed to 0.
- Type of monsters for all Normal Stages are changed to Void.
※ Void type receives 130% damage against all types, and deals 70% damage.
[Developer's Comment 1]
① Changing Repetitive Reward
The reward-obtaining method will be changed from purchasing Gems by Coin to obtaining Gems according to the random matching per day.
Guardians can obtain 2,520 Gems (the same amount as the Co-op/Co-op (Defense) of Season 1) within 2 weeks if Guardians match 1 time every day.
Co-op Expedition Coin and Jewels will be given to the 14 times of random matching rewards per a week.
The reward above can be obtained with daily reward, and the maximum repeating amount is 14 times.
The entrance count is the same as before due to make the matchmaking fluently, however, it is improved to make the pace of repetitive play to follow Guardians' own pace.
Value of Coins and lists in the Shop will be changed accordingly, and the necessary items can be purchased by the same effort as Beta.
② Pressure-Free Difficulty
The types of enemies in the Normal Mode are changed to "Void" which is weak against all types, to let all Heroes do their part.
All Heroes can be used in any stage if Guardians deploy the demanded Hero in the first slot of the Hero List.
Additionally, buffs from Mystic Resistance of Relics and Jewels will be also applied to make the Normal Mode easier.
2) Mystic Resistance Modification
- If Hero's Mystic Resistance is higher than the required resistance by a certain ammount, the Hero will receive Mystic Resistance Modification in stages.
- Mystic Resistance Modification gives additional ATK, HP, Heal.
- As the more the stage of Mystic Resistance Modification increases, the additional stat increases accordingly.
- Mystic Resistance Modification can be applied up to 6 stage.
- Guardians can obtain Co-op Expedition Coins and Low-grade Jewel Boxes up to 14 times from weekly random reward.
- The name of weekly reward changes to Challenge Reward, and Co-op Expedition Coins and Low-grade Jewel Boxes can be obtained from the Challenge Reward.
※ Challenge Reward Season will be changed from Ruined God's Paradise to Dark Immortal Succession Arc: Stirring Darkness.
3) Improvements of Co-op Expedition Rewards
- Reward system of Co-op Expedition will be improved.
- Random reward will be changed to daily random reward and weekly random reward.
ㄴ Everyday, Guardians can obtain Free Gems 1 time per day from daily random reward, and can find Vault in the result screen.
ㄴ Reward from the Vault will be changed from Co-op Expedition Coin to Mid-grade Jewel Box.
[Developer's Comment 2]
① High Difficulty Level
The Challenge Mode of upcoming Co-op Expedition awaits the challenge of Guardians with the high difficulty level end content.
We aimed to make it to require sufficient growth and pattern knowledge, teamwork and strategy rather than speed.
However, we implemented the Jewel Inlay feature to prevent the difficulty becoming a permanent hurdle.
② Adding Jewel System
Jewel can be obtained from the rewards of Co-op Expedition, which can be attached to Relics and increases Mystic Resistance.
If the Mystic Resistance is higher than the required one, it grants a buff which increases ATK, HP, Heal up to 6 stages.
(The additional stat is calculated as a sum operation with the Knowledge bonus.)
Challenge Mode becomes easier as the time passes, for Jewels can also be obtained from the Normal Mode.
We expect the content to be a challenging end-content in this way, which can conquered by few Guardians for the first time. However, more Guardians can conquer the hurdle over a period of 4 months.
Jewels won't affect other content without the micro bonuses from Item Collection,
and it isn't required to be attached in multiple Relics.
Additionally, there are no plans to sell them for it is not a system which is aimed at BM.
After this Season, more Mystic Resistance might be required. However, Guardians can obtain the higher grade Jewels from Normal Mode, thus, the hurdle for Challenge Mode will not get higher.
However, Guardians who achieved sufficient growth of Jewels in this Season might conquer the Challenge Mode of the next Season earlier.
4) Jewel
- Jewels will be implemented.
- Guardians can obtain Jewels from Low, Mid, High-grade Jewel Boxes in Co-op Expedition.
- Guardians can receive additional effects by attaching Jewels to the Relics.
- Jewels have 'Mystic Resistance' option.
- Knowledge for Jewels will be implemented.
① Relic Inlay
- Guardians can inlay Relics using Inlay Tickets.
ㄴ Inlay Tickets can be purchased in the Co-op Expedition Shop.
② Jewel Equip / Unequip
- Guardians can attach a Jewel to the inlaid Relics.
- If there's an attached Jewel already, Guardians can attach a new Jewel by destroying or unequipping the existing one.
- Guardians can unequip the Jewel which is already attached.
- Unequipping Jewel requires Gems.
③ Jewel Break Down
- Guardians can break down Jewels to obtain Jewel Powder.
- Jewel Powder can be used to upgrade Jewels.
- The amount of Jewel Powder obtained depends on the grade of the Jewel being broken down.
- The broken Jewel will be permanently removed..
- Guardians can't break down the Jewel attached in the Relic.
④ Jewel Upgrade
- You can upgrade Jewels using Jewel Powder and Gold.
- The probability of success and required amount of Gold increase in proportion to the amount of Jewel Powder used.
- Jewels attached to Relics can also be upgraded.
5) Improvements in Public Room/Random Join
- Now Normal Public Room/Random Join will be started as soon as 4 pla
- Normal Private Room's [set as public] feature will be removed.
- Hero line-ups don't need to be changed according to the stage in the Normal Public Room and Random Join, and it will be improved to use only the first slot of each class.
[Developer's Comment 3]
① Changing Random Queue Mechanism
The details will not be displayed in the Random Matching Screen, and it will be started automatically when all members are gathered.
This change aims for a fluent matching environment, and excessive preference on certain stages.
Additionally, we expect that the avoided stages can be played without pressure with the lowering of the difficulty level.
We are developing an additional system to make the waiting time for matchmaking less boring, which isn't released in this version yet.
We will do our best to release the feature as soon as possible.
6) Improvements and Changes for Exclusive Stats for Co-op Expedition
- HP adjustment which is applied to all classes in Co-op Expedition will be increased by 170%.
- ATK of all monsters in Co-op Expedition will be increased accordingly.
- Some class skills will be adjusted.
ㄴ Meteorite Fall: Estimated time to fall 1 second → 2 seconds.
ㄴ Barrier Shield: Cooldown 18 seconds → 17 seconds.
7) Monster Improvements
- Monsters in Co-op Expedition will send an arrow-shaped icon to the target.
8) Adding Recruit Feature for Challenge Private Room
- A feature that can promote the waiting rooms in the list in the waiting room of Challenge Private Room.
- Guardians can find the promoted waiting room in Chat - Multiplay.
9) Stage Filter
- Stage Filter feature will be implemented in the [Enter through List].
10) Improving User Info in the Private Room
- Guardians can check User Info by touching other pla
11) Revamping Co-op Expedition Shop
- Co-op Expedition Shop will be revamped into Season Shop and Previous Season Shop.
① Season Shop
- The Co-op Expedition Shop for the ongoing Season.
- The Shop consumes Season Coin of ongoing Season.
② Previous Season Co-op Expedition Shop
- It is a Previous Season Shop for the currently running Co-op Expedition.
- Coins from a finished season will be converted to Previous Season Coins.
- Previous Season Coins can be used in the Previous Season Co-op Expedition Shop.
- Previous Season Co-op Expedition Shop is available for 1 week.
- Previous Season Coins will be reset after that week.
- You will receive 2000 Gold for every reset Coin.
12) Emoji Quote Display
- Unique quotes for each Hero will be displayed when using emojis.
6. Roadmap Event
- Roadmap Event: "The Best Captain of This Year"
- There will be a roadmap event where Guardians can play event content and missions, and purchase various rewards with the points earned.
ㄴ Event Period: 2024-08-06 after maintenance ~ 2024-08-20 04:59:59 (14 days / UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-20 12:59:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-19 21:59:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-20 04:59:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-20 01:59:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-20 14:59:59 AET
ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: 2024-08-27 04:59:59 (UTC*).
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-27 12:59:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-26 21:59:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-27 04:59:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-27 01:59:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-27 14:59:59 AET
7. Invite Feature Improvement
- Multiplay tab will be added to all chatting windows except for the waiting room of Co-op Expedition and Friendly Match, and Guardians can accept the invitation for Co-op Expedition or Friendly Match in the chat.
- The invite message can be checked in the Content Book, Co-op Expedition Lobby, and Friendly Match Lobby, and the chat window is opened when touched.
8. Collection
- Added new Collection "What the Crimson Rose really means is freedom.".
9. Shop – Package
1. Limited Time Package
Purchase Period: 2024-08-06 after maintenance ~ 2024-08-20 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-08-20 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-08-19 21:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-08-20 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-08-20 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-08-20 14:59 AET
1) Premium Summon Package (Once per account)
- Summon Controller x 100, Epic Limit Break Hammer x 1
- 1,000 Gems every day for 10 days
2. Summer Attendance Package (Free, once per account)
Day 1: Summon Controller x 5
Day 2: Awakening Dungeon Box x 10
Day 3: Gold x 1,000,000
Day 4: Legendary Awakening Stone x 5
Day 5: Exp x 1,200,000
Day 6: Option Change Stone x 5
Day 7: Summon Controller x 5
3. Permanent packages
Packages below will be available permanently after the maintenance of 2024-08-06.
1) Epic Limit Break Hammer Package (5,000 Gem, 1 time per week)
- Epic Limit Break Hammer Package x 1
2) Season 3 Jumping Ticket Package (5,000 Gem, 1 time per week*Once per week)
※ Jumping Ticket is available after clearing World 4.
Season 3 Jumping Ticket x 1
Gold x 3,250,000
Exp x 17,500,000
Low-grade Awakening Stone x 5,200
Mid-grade Awakening Stone x 3,500
High-grade Awakening Stone x 2,000
Low-grade Dream Stone x 470
Mid-grade Dream Stone x 310
High-grade Dream Stone x 180
Legendary Awakening Stone x 64
Dream Evolution Stone x 3,420
Strengthening Hammer (50Lv) x 120
- After purchasing and obtaining the Ticket from the mailbox, Guardians can use the ticket by entering the World Map.
- When using Jumping Ticket, World 19 becomes available immediately and the new lobby will be opened.
※ The uncleared stages before the ticket is used are remained as uncleared.
- When using the Jumping Ticket, Heavenhold Harvest Ticket (1 Hour) will be provided as below according to the Worlds cleared.
World 5: 3
World 6: 6
World 7: 9
World 8: 12
World 9: 15
World 10: 18
World 11: 21
World 12: 24
World 13: 27
World 14: 30
World 15: 33
World 16: 36
World 17: 39
World 18: 42
- When using the ticket, the state of the Hero Knight will be changed as below.
Level: 100
Evolution: 5th Grade
Limit Break: 5th Grade
Ascension: O
Awakening Nodes: Unlocked all (Including Ascension Nodes)
※ However, Evolution Stones and Book of Blessing according to the Evolution level will not be returned.
4. Hero Growth Package
※ The package is available when receiving the Hero after the summon.
※ The pop-up for package is available up to 7 days after the first pop-up.
Rachel Growth Package
Relay #1
- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Legendary Awakening Stone x 30, Awakening Dungeon Box x 30
Relay #2
- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Exp x 5,000,000, Awakening Dungeon Box x 90
Relay #3 (Free)
- Evolution Stone x 160, Hero Crystal x 140
Relay #4
- Hero Crystal x 300, Legendary Awakening Stone x 60, Gold 5,000,000, Book of Blessing x 15
Relay #5
- Hero Crystal x 260, Book of Blessing x 35
Relay #6 (Free)
- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1
10. Shop – Costume
Hero Costume
- Blue Rose Assassin Rachel
- Astrologist Vinette
- Pretty Woman Nari
- Pretty Boy Garam
- Mayreel as Maid
- Lynn as DUI Patrol
- Kindergartener White Snow
- Dragon High Schooler Ameris
- Kindergartener Rey
- Student Andras
- Black Pirate Loraine
- Pirate Shapira
- Pirate Navigator Eunha
- Pirate Helmsman Morrian
- Convenience Store Employee Angie
- Electrician Odile
Equipment Costume
- Rose Sword
- Space Telescope Gun
- Suit Hanger
- Ferocious Cat's Paw
- Police Shield of Aegis
- Pirate Parrot Doll
- Anchor Sword
- Cannon Basket
11. Guardian Pass
- 2024. Season.7 Guardian Pass
ㄴ Season Period: 2024-08-06 after maintenance ~ 2024-09-02 23:59:59 (server-time*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-09-02 23:59:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-09-02 23:59:59 PDT
- Europe: 2024-09-02 23:59:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-09-02 23:59:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-09-02 23:59:59 AET
ㄴ Key Reward of Gold Pass: Negotiator (Hekate's Exclusive Weapon) ★★★★
ㄴ Key Reward of Platinum Pass: Milkyway Trophy (Beach Racer Rachel's Exclusive Weapon) ★★★★★
※ Upon receiving the level reward, all uncollected rewards will be received at once.
12. Fixes & Improvements
1. The Tale of the Tetis Hero
- A reward 'Soulstone' is excluded from the reward pool due to an issue that the DEF increasing effect is applied inappropriately.
2. Friendly Match
- Now Illustration Costume will be displayed appropriately in the Hero selection screen.
- Fixed an issue that the invite can be confirmed when the preset is empty.
- Fixed some issues in the result screen.
ㄴ Now force quitted teammate's party will be displayed appropriately in the Friendly Match (Death Match).
ㄴ Fixed an issue where the defeated user is displayed as the winner.
- Fixed some issues with the observation feature.
ㄴ Fixed an issue in the Arena Friendly Match where the observer couldn't start the game occasionally.
ㄴ Fixed an issue in the Friendly Match (Death Match) where occasionally free camera can't be used.
ㄴ Fixed an issue in the Friendly Match (Death Match) where occasionally black screen was displayed when the observer was left.
3. PVP
- Now some collab Heroes, White Beast, and Kang will be displayed appropriately in the Arena, Master Arena, Death Match, and Friendly Match UI.
- A reading-glasses shaped button which moves to the preset screen will be added in the Arena, Death Match, and Friendly Match.
4. Ranch
- Now monsters' likeability will not be decreased.
5. Expedition
- Condition for upgrading Epic Artifact will be removed.
6. Misc
- Fixed an issue where the stats of the hero in the Training Room were displayed inappropriately when after training.
- Fixed an issue that the inappropriate red-dot was displayed in some growth UI of training Hero.
- Fixed an issue where the equipment locking condition is not applied when changing the training state.
- Fixed an issue where the Evo Stone Dungeon's Sweep button is not refreshed when the pla
- Fixed an issue of inappropriate text display in the Heavenhold building upgrade UI.
- Mini pop-up from Blacksmith Discount Badge in the Heavenhold will be removed appropriately.
- Now equipment will appropriately display the 'in equip' and 'in practice' state both.
- Now a notice pop-up will be displayed appropriately when trying to sell Artifact above 4th Grade.
- Fixed an issue where the locked Artifact could be a target of Relic Break Down.
- Fixed inappropriate Engraving button display in the Engraving screen when the Gold is not sufficient.
- Location for Heavenhold Section 2 Monument Spot will be adjusted.
- Unlocking condition for some content/feature will be changed to 'Clearing World 4'.
ㄴ Awakening Stone Exchange, Auto Awakening, Heavenhold Tower, Orbital Lift, Expedition, and Practicing Room
- Fixed missing SFX in some areas of World 15-5.
- Fixed an issue where the ob
- Fixed inappropriate character display in the Side Story > Once Upon a Time in Burywood Stage 5.
- Fixed inappropriate mini-game UI area in the Side Story > Once Upon a Time in Burywood Stage 5.
- Some of Dabin's English voices will be changed.
ㄴ Before: Ah, the sweet scent of gunpowder, it's almost as if it's whispering sweet nothings.
ㄴ After: Ah, the sweet scent of gunpowder, it's almost as if it's whispering sweet nothings to me.
Official Patch Notes can be found here but you may want to use Google Chrome to translate it from Korean to your native language.