Patch Notes - December 24th, 2024
Raid Bosses


Cyborg Erina

Invader Commander

Christmas Update
1. Heroes and Equipment[Developer's Comment]
In this update, we aimed to provide more diverse choices by proceeding with a balance patch for some Tank Heroes.
We have rebalanced them to improve the situation where Tank Heroes of a certain Element were overwhelmingly used in Colosseum, despite the small number of Tank Heroes, and to encourage various Tank Heroes of various Elements to be played in Colosseum and other content.
- Destroyer Pymon
Pymon is a Hero who performs continuous battles with wide AoE Weapon Skill and Ailment-resisting skills.
However, as a Tank Hero, this unit lacked the ability to protect allies and defend in the front line.
Thus, we improved this character to be active in content with many many-to-one such as Colosseum and Death Match by increasing Destroyer Pymon’s Toughness and by readjusting Damage Reduction per enemy and ally in the many-to-one situations.
- Future Princess
Future Princess is a Tank Hero who mainly supports allies and can cause Ailments with a single Weapon Skill.
With those supporting capacities, she had a decent usage rate since the beginning of the launch, however, she seems not as good as before as time goes by.
Thus, we improved her to support allies more effectively in various content by improving the option of her weapon.
- Misc Improvements
Lastly, we improved Heroes who were less usable in Arena, and buffed the parties with certain Elements that were weaker than before in Guild Raid.
We will continue to regularly check the usage rate of Heroes and do our best to make all Heroes active in various content through continuous improvements.
1. Heroes
- The default stat of some Heroes has been increased by a small amount. (ba
ㄴ Huntress Rosetta - Default Def 36 (+1)
ㄴ Incarcerated Scholar Vinette - Default Atk 114 (+6), Default Heal 1720 (+86)
- Drunken Swordmaster Lynn's Energy Restoration (Special Ability) has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: Damage taken is reduced by 30% when energy is full or while restoring energy.
ㄴ [After]: Damage taken is reduced by 35% when energy is full or while restoring energy.
- Destroyer Pymon's The Demon God's Back Says It All (Chain Skill) has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: Instantly approaches and pummels the target to inflict 240% of DPS damage in the form of melee damage.
ㄴ [After]: Instantly approaches and pummels the target to inflict 280% of DPS damage in the form of melee damage.
- Destroyer Pymon's God of Battle (Special Ability) has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: Slightly increase Ailment resistance.
Damage dealt to enemies will increase by 15%, and damage taken decreases by 10%.
When the Ailment stats begin to stack, damage dealt to enemies will additionally increase by 15%.
ㄴ [After]: Slightly increase Ailment resistance.
Damage dealt to enemies will increase by 15%, and damage taken decreases by 15%.
When the Ailment stats begin to stack, damage dealt to enemies will additionally increase by 20%.
Damage taken decreases by 5% for every ally and enemy there is excluding herself within 5 tiles. The maximum decrease is 40%.
- Huntress Rosetta's Serpentine Marksmanship (Normal Attack) has been improved.
ㄴ Speed and range of Wild Fire have been increased by 18%.
ㄴ Range of Roll and Gun has been increased by 20%.
- Huntress Rosetta's Quick Draw (Special Ability) has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: On reload, increase her Atk by 30% for 3 seconds.
When using Roll and Gun, increase her Def by 30% for 3 seconds.
ㄴ [After]: On reload, increase her Atk by 30% for 3 seconds.
When using Roll and Gun, increase her Def by 30% for 5 seconds.
- Incarcerated Scholar Vinette's Nano-technology (Normal Attack) has been improved.
ㄴ Using times of NT-Drone has been increased to 15 times.
- Incarcerated Scholar Vinette's Nano Cell (Special Ability) has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: Depending on the number of Dark Type party members, the Atk of each increases by 10% up to a maximum of 40%.
ㄴ [After]: Depending on the number of Dark Type party members, the Atk of each increases by 10% up to a maximum of 40%.
When attacking a Basic Type enemy, she inflicts an additional 15% of DPS as ranged damage.
2. Equipment
- Exclusive Weapon option of Liberator has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: On hit, inflicts 30% of DPS by 30% chance, restores all allies' HP by 2%.
ㄴ [After]: On hit, inflicts 30% of DPS as additional melee damage with a 40% chance. Additionally, she recovers her own HP by 2% and the HP of other allies by 6%.
When using Tempest of Time and Space, allies' Atk increases by 20% for 8 seconds.
- Exclusive Weapon option of Red Lotus has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: Flame Martial Art's damage increases to 120% of DPS.
On hit, sets enemy on fire and inflicts 100% of DPS of injury damage. Activates once every 4 second(s).
ㄴ [After]: Flame Martial Art's damage increases to 150% of DPS.
On hit, sets enemy on fire and inflicts 140% of DPS of injury damage. Activates once every 4 second(s).
- Exclusive Weapon option of Ocean Call has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: On Deployment Orders’ hit, increase Crit Hit chance by 10% for 3 second(s). This effect can overlap up to 3 times.
If the effect overlaps to the maximum limit, the Crit Hit Multiplier will additionally increase by 15% for 3 second(s).
ㄴ [After]: On Deployment Orders’ hit, increase Crit Hit chance by 15% for 3 second(s). This effect can overlap up to 3 times.
If the effect overlaps to the maximum limit, the Crit Hit Multiplier will additionally increase by 50% for 3 second(s).
- Exclusive Weapon option of Nanoparticle Accelerator has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: When using NT-Drone, the number of drones increases to 2.
When healing a party member, a shield 20% of Heal is created.
On hit of Nano Blast’s last attack, the enemy’s ranged Def is reduced by 20% for 5 second(s).
ㄴ [After]: When using NT-Drone, the number of drones increases to 2.
When healing a party member, a shield 20% of Heal is created.
On hit of Nano Blast’s last attack, the enemy’s ranged Def is reduced by 20% for 7 second(s).
- The tooltip of Future Princess's Tempest of Time and Space (Weapon Skill) has been improved.
ㄴ [Before]: Creates a giant tempest of time and space to inflict damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injury state.
ㄴ [After]: Creates a giant tempest of time and space to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injury state.
3. Voice
- Japanese voice for Hero 'King of the Hill Cornet' has been added.
- English voice for Hero 'Jade Exorcist Tasha' has been added.
2. x50 Times Free Summon
- Guardians can use free summon 10 times per day in the [Main Screen] - [Summons]. (Up to 5 days from the date Guardians log in during the event period, up to 50 times of free summons)
- Event Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2025-01-06 15:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-01-06 23:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-01-06 07:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-01-06 15:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-01-06 12:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-01-07 02:59 AEDT
- Event Cautions
ㄴ Guardians can use the free summons from Pick Up Hero Summon, Normal Hero Summon, Pick Up Equipment Summon, Normal Equipment Summon, Selectable Hero Summon, and Selectable Equipment Summon.
3. Christmas Attendance Check
- Attendance Event: One Christmas Day
ㄴ Event Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2024-01-07 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-01-07 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-01-06 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-01-06 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-01-06 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-01-07 15:59 AEDT
ㄴ Eligibility: All Guardians
ㄴ Guardians can check the attendance rewards up to 20 days after the event ends.
- Rewards
1st Day: Stamina x 50
2nd Day: Gold x 200,000
3rd Day: Option Change Stone x 3
4th Day: Option Lock Stone x 5
5th Day: Book of Blessing x 2
6th Day: Legendary Awakening Stone x 5
7th Day: 2024 Christmas Sticker Pack
8th Day: Stamina x 50
9th Day: Gold x 200,000
10th Day: Option Change Stone x 3
11th Day: Option Lock Stone x 5
12th Day: Book of Blessing x 2
13th Day: Hero Crystal x 10
14th Day: Christmas Festival Loraine
※ As key rewards of the attendance check event, Guardians can obtain '2024 Christmas Sticker Pack' and 'Christmas Festival Loraine'.
4. Event Gem Shop
- An event shop where Guardians can purchase special items is available.
- The items in the event shop can only be purchased during the event period, and each item has a purchase limit.
- Event Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2024-01-07 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-01-07 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-01-06 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-01-06 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-01-06 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-01-07 15:59 AEDT
- The items purchased in the event shop are given immediately.
- Guardians can check the Event Shop by [Main Screen] - [Shop] - [Event Shop]
- Items Available in the Event Shop
ㄴ Gift-Laden Christmas Tree Monument Blueprint
ㄴ Santa Princess
ㄴ Lucky Pouch
ㄴ Pouch of Gold
ㄴ Coffee Machine
ㄴ Epic Exclusive Equipment Box
ㄴ Legend Limit Breaking Hammer
ㄴ Book of Blessing
ㄴ Legendary Awakening Stone
ㄴ Hero Crystal Box
ㄴ Magic me
ㄴ Option Change Stone
ㄴ Option Lock Stone
5. Guild Raid
- Guild Raid 'Sunken Arena' will be available.
ㄴ Global Schedule: 2024-12-26 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59 (server time)
ㄴ Appearing Bosses: Invader Commander (Dark), Grand Admiral Marina (Basic), Carmen (Water), Cyborg Erina (Earth)
- New 2 Guild Raid bosses have been added.
ㄴ Jerry Little Volt
ㄴ Carmen
- The pattern of Grand Admiral Marina has been improved.
ㄴ The pattern will now be activated regularly, which was previously activated ba
- The pattern of Lava Slime has been improved.
ㄴ Heroes in the party no longer evade the burning ground.
ㄴ Damage of all burning grounds has been reduced by 50%.
- The pattern of Snowman General Gast has been improved.
ㄴ Heroes in the party no longer evade the freezing laser.
ㄴ Damage of the freezing laser has been reduced by 50%.
- The pattern of Invader Commander has been improved.
ㄴ Heroes in the party no longer evade the satellite explosion.
ㄴ Damage of the satellite explosion has been reduced by 50%.
6. Meteor Excavation
- A new season of Meteor Excavation will be available.
- Season Period: 2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-01-08 23:59 (server time)
7. Heavenhold Marble
- During the event period, Guardians can roll the dice by consuming event points which can be obtained from playing various content.
- Guardians can claim various rewards by upgrading the buildings on the platform, and running the laps by rolling the dice.
ㄴ Event Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2024-01-07 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-01-07 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-01-06 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-01-06 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-01-06 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-01-07 15:59 AEDT
ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: 2024-01-14 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-01-14 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-01-13 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-01-14 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-01-14 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-01-14 15:59 AEDT
8. Heavenhold
- Japanese voice of a new mail notice of 'Little Princess' has been added.
ㄴ In the case of the Lobby before clearing Chapter 16, the previous and new mail notice voice will be played randomly.
ㄴ In the case of the Lobby after clearing Chapter 16, only the new mail notice voice will be played.
※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in each language.
1. Improvements on Guardian ba
- A button that can move to Guardian ba
- Now the Sweep feature for Resource Dungeon, Event Rift, Evolution Dungeon, and Awakening Dungeon is unlocked after Guardian Level 6.
- Guardian Level Achievement Rewards have been added to the Guardian ba
- Guardians can obtain rewards by reaching certain Guardian levels.
※ Guardians who already achieved the Guardian Level can also obtain rewards from Guardian Level Achievement Rewards.
- Guardian Level Achievement Rewards
Guardian Level
Free Gem(s)
Selectable Summon Controller
- Now there will be a red-dot notification in the Profile Card when the new notices are available; such as level up for Guardian ba
2. Heavenhold Lobby
- A new section has been added to the lobby.
- The new section will be available after reaching Inn level 20.
1) Inn
- The max level for Inn will be expanded to 25 when the new section is unlocked.
- After level 21, SP production rate does not increase.
2) Monument
- When unlocking the new section, a new Monument will be added.
- To celebrate Christmas, a new Monument 'Gift-Laden Christmas Tree' has been added.
※ The blueprint for 'Gift-Laden Christmas Tree' can be purchased from the Event Shop with Gems.
3) Attractions
- 2 new Attractions will be added when the new section is unlocked.
4) Normal Buildings
- Normal buildings in the new section increase the effect of Dispatch Outpost instead of producing SP.
5) Theme
- To celebrate Christmas, a Christmas theme has been applied to the previous Heavenhold and the new Heavenhold.
- To celebrate Christmas, some dialogues have been added to Little Princess.
※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in English.
ㄴ Applicable Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AEDT
3. Dispatch Outpost
- Dispatch Outpost has been added to the new section.
- Dispatch Outpost is a facility that sends androids on exploration missions to earn various rewards.
- When completing the dispatch by passing the designated time, Guardians can earn various rewards.
- Dispatch Event occurs during the Dispatch.
ㄴ Types or probabilities of rewards can differ ba
4. Civil Affairs Center
- Complaint Event UI in the Civil Affairs Center has been changed.
- To celebrate Christmas, some Christmas complaints have been added to the Civil Affairs Center.
- The Christmas complaints are available while the Christmas theme is applied.
- The Christmas complaints replace some of the previous complaints.
5. Roaming Expansion
- Now Heroes located in Heavenhold will visit a variety of places.
9. Heavenhold Farm
- Winter theme ha been applied to the Heavenhold Farm.
ㄴ Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AEDT
- Recipes of the winter-themed ob
ㄴ Purchasable Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AEDT
※ You can't purchase the re-selling recipes if you already have those recipes.
10. Guardian Pass
- A new Guardian Pass after the Guardian Pass that ends on 12/23 (Mon) will be available after the update of January 7, 2025 (Tue).
11. Festival Pass
- A new season of Festival Pass is available.
ㄴ Season Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2024-01-14 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-01-14 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-01-13 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2024-01-14 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-01-14 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-01-14 15:59 AEDT
ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: 2024-01-14 05:00 ~ 2024-01-21 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-01-14 13:00 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-01-13 21:00 PST
- Europe: 2024-01-14 05:00 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-01-14 02:00 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-01-14 16:00 AEDT
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2024-01-21 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2024-01-20 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2024-01-21 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2024-01-21 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2024-01-21 15:59 AEDT
※ Guardians will receive all unclaimed rewards at once when claiming the level reward.
12. Collection
- A new collection 'Merry Christmas 2' has been added.
13. Limited Time Package
- Purchase Period: 2024-12-24 after maintenance ~ 2025-01-07 04:59 (UTC*)
*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-01-07 12:59 UTC +8
- North America: 2025-01-06 20:59 PST
- Europe: 2025-01-07 04:59 UTC
- Latin America: 2025-01-07 01:59 BRT
- Oceania: 2025-01-07 15:59 AEDT
1) Winter Special Jumping Package (Once per account)
- Summon Controller x 60, Book of Blessing x 10
- Choose 1 3-star Unique Hero
2) Limited Time Stamina Package (6 times per account)
- Stamina x 500
3) Limited Time Summon Package (Once per account)
- Summon Controller x 30, Dream Evolution Stone x 400, Selectable Summon Controller x 20
14. Hero Costume
- Xmas Tree Fairy Estel
- Christmas Fairy Cornet
- Xmas Tree Fairy Nari
- Merry Berry Lapice
- Winter Bunny Future Princess
- Sleigh Queen Lupina
- Star Shooter Beth
- Chic Snowman Rue
- Pizza Delivery Knight
- Slime Head Knight
- Coffee Head Knight
- Future Singer Rey
- Pledge of Victory Future Princess
- Fighter Pymon
- Blue Wing Scintilla
- Adventurer Erina
- Returned Mad Panda Trio
- Demon World Princess Lilith
- Archaeologist Vinette
- Kimono Yuze
- Picnic Akayuki
- Mecha Archer
- Flute Playing Knight
- Sparkling Barley Tea Festival Lynn
- Winter Cat Nari
- Winter Festival Veronica
- Winter Snowflake Mayreel
- Swimsuit Andras
- Swimsuit Pymon
- Swimsuit Crosselle
- Dark Mage Future Princess
- Magical Strawberry Gabriel
- Sakura Nari
- Celestial Queen Bianca
- Werebeast Firefighter Toga
- Firefighter KAI
- Mahjong Rey
- Cute Berserker Amy
- Specter Future Knight
- Wedding Dress Future Princess
- Night Voyager Oghma
- Evening Emperor Garam
- Steam Punk AA72
- Santa Claude
- Mafia Beth
- Sakura Goddess Mayreel
- Stray Cat Noxia
- Nun-in-Disguise Parvati
15. Equipment Costume
- Xmas Handbell
- Christmas Festival Bow
- Xmas Lance
- Reaper's Gift
- Hand Wraps
- One-handed Leek Sword
- Mysterious Relic Gun
- Banquet Gloves
- G1 Rifle
- Gaming Dice
- High Caliber Combat Rifle
- Cotton Candy
- Tuna Two-handed Sword
- Drill Claw
- Pet Bat
- Star Gloves
- God Sla
- Heavenly Bow
- Dragon Fury Gauntlet
- Humongous Rifle
- Epic Hammer
- Puppy Bag Basket
- Beast's Staff
- Frozen Memories
16. Fixes & Improvements
- Regardless of the filter setting, the current Hero's Exclusive Weapon is displayed at the top in the [Hero] - [Equipment] screen.
- Shop UI has been revamped.
ㄴ A horizontal tab and [All] button have been added to the Shop screen.
- Now Guardians can no longer obtain additional scores via the Pause/Resume feature in certain content, and the cooldown of the feature has been removed.
- Fixed the issue where the boss of Co-op Expedition Dark 'Immortal Arc: The Masks of Jade Mountain' Stage 1 didn't move while casting some patterns.
- Now, there is a tutorial pop-up when entering Dungeon Kingdom Arena for the first time.
- Now Guardians can check the details of the Hero and Exclusive Weapon of the Jumping Package.
- Fixed the issue where the enemies didn't recognize the pla
- Fixed the issue where pla
- Fixed the issue where pla
- Fixed the issue where the 'in battle' status persists after dying by time-over in the Challenge Stage 2 of Rue the Red.
Official Patch Notes can be found here but you may want to use Google Chrome to translate it from Korean to your native language.