Patch Notes - January 21st, 2025

New Guardian

Name: Fern

Group Buff:
Skill Atk

Exclusive Weapon:
Fern's Staff
Epic Staff
587-645 DPS
Basic Atk 194-213
Crit Hit Chance 1%
Def +16%
HP +20%
Skill Damage +22%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +20%
[First-class Mage Fern only]
Ordinary Offensive Magic (Zoltraak)'s damage increases by 30%.
When using Zoltraak Burst, Atk increases by 30% for 6 seconds.
[Required Limit Break 5]

Available Banners

Raid Bosses

Invader Director
Empire Knight

Fern Youtube Videos

Guardian Tales - Raid - Shadow Beast 105 (Basic) [Fern-Nari-Dohwa-Eunha]
Guardian Tales - Raid - Invader Terrorist 105 (Light) [Fern-Nari-Dohwa-Eunha]

Second Half - Guardian Tales x Animation [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End] Collaboration

1. Heroes and Equipment

- Added a new hero, 'First-class Mage Fern' along with the Japanese voice.(CV. Kana Ichinose)

ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Skill Damage +90%

- First-class Mage Fern's Exclusive Weapon 'Fern's Staff' ★★★★★ has been added.

※ Guardians can obtain First-class Mage Fern and Fern's Staff from Collaboration Hero / Equipment Summon.

ㄴ Guardians can use Free, Paid Gems or Summon Controllers in the Collaboration Hero / Equipment Summon.

※ Cautions for Collaboration Hero and Exclusive Equipment

- 1 Special Pick Up Ticket will be given per 1 summon of collaboration Hero or Exclusive Equipment Pick Up Summon.

- Guardians can exchange 200 Special Pick Up Tickets for a collaboration Hero or Equipment.

ㄴ However, an exchange to the Hero or Equipment which is not released yet will be available after their summon is available.

- Special Pick Up Tickets of the collaboration Hero or Equipment will be turned into the same amount of Mileage Tickets after the Pick Up Summon period ends.

- Collaboration Hero will not provide Knowledge bonus from its progression.

ㄴ In the Hero progress, guardians can obtain Gems according to the achievement condition of each condition.

- Exclusive Equipment of collaboration Heroes will not provide Collection bonus.

- Guardians can obtain Gems in Knowledge when acquiring collaboration Equipment or costumes.

ㄴ However, Knowledge point is available only for costumes.

- Guardians can obtain Mage of Over 1,000 Years Frieren and First-class Mage Fern, and their Exclusive Equipment from collaboration Equipment Summon or Mileage only.

- Guardians can obtain Warrior Stark and his Exclusive Weapon as the in-game live event reward only.

2. Hero Pick-Up Event

- Event Period: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

- Pick Up Hero: First-class Mage Fern

3. Equipment Pick-Up Event

- Event Period: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

- Pick Up Equipment: Fern's Staff

4. Collaboration

- Guardian Tales x Animation『Frieren: Beyond Journey's End』 Collaboration Period will proceed as follows.

ㄴ Second Half: After maintenance on 2025-01-21 ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

- In this second half update, guardians can meet First-class Mage Fern.

ㄴ Pick Up Summon for Mage of Over 1,000 Years Frieren and her Exclusive Weapon are also available in the second half of the event.

※ Collaboration Hero and Exclusive Equipment are only obtainable during the collaboration period.

※ If Guardians obtained Mage of Over 1,000 Years Frieren, First-class Mage Fern, or Warrior Stark during the collaboration period, guardians can obtain the Heroes' Evolution Stones from Evolution Stone Dungeon or Shop even after the collaboration period.

ㄴ However, obtaining Evolution Stones for the Heroes will not be available if guardians don't have the Heroes.

※ Trading the collaboration Heroes' Evolution Stone with Guild members is not allowed.

5. Live Event

- To celebrate 『Guardian Tales』 X Animation『Frieren: Beyond Journey's End』 Collaboration, Live Event is in progress.

- Event time: After maintenance on 2025-01-07 ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (28 days, UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

- Reward Receivable Time: 2025-02-11 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia:2025-02-11 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-10 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-11 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-11 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-11 15:59 AET

- Event Exchange Center for purchasing special items is opened in the Live Event.

ㄴ Guardians can obtain event coins from event missions or event rift clearing rewards.

ㄴ Guardians can purchase various items, and the key items are background or music for My Room, appearance changing item for Heavenhold Princess, and collaboration Card.

6. Bingo Event

- Let's go, Bingo Machine.

※ Please note: Special Collaboration rewards can be obtained from the Bingo Machine. Make sure you have received everything you want before moving to the next round.

※ If you skip a round in the bingo event, you will not receive that round's reward.

ㄴ Event time: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (14 days, UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

ㄴ Reward obtainable period: ~ 2025-02-11 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia:2025-02-11 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-10 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-11 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-11 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-11 15:59 AET

7. Guild Raid

- Guild Raid 'Joyous Streets' will be available.

ㄴ Global Raid Period: 2025-01-23 00:00 ~ 2025-01-29 23:59 (server time)

ㄴ Appearing Boss: Invader Director (Light), Founder Elphaba (Basic), Empire Knight (Fire), Fairy (Water)

8. Guild Meteor Excavation

- A new season of Guild Meteor Excavation will start.

ㄴ Season Period: 2025-01-30 00:00 ~ 2025-02-05 23:59 (server time)

9.My Room

- A touching effect for Heroes has been implemented in the My Room lobby.

- Now Heroes' quote dialogue will be displayed when touching Heroes in the My Room lobby.

10. Improving Book of Contents

1) Improving 'Recommended 'Tab

- Displaying condition for some content has been changed in the 'Recommended' tab.

- Evolution Dungeon, Orbital Rift has been added in the list of contents displayed in the 'Recommended' tab.

2) Improving 'Rift' Tab

- 'Enter' button has been added to the Dungeons that Guardians can enter in the Rift screen.

ㄴ Guardians can still enter by touching the banner.

11. Improving Tutorial

- The Tutorial for various content has been improved.

ㄴ When the certain content can be unlocked, now Loraine and Eva will introduce the details of the content.

※ The changed tutorial above will not be displayed to the Guardians who already played the content before the update.

12. Improving Watching Ads

- Content that can watch ads has been expanded.

- You can gain 1 additional entrance count by watching the ad in Awakening Dungeon.

ㄴ An ad for Awakening Dungeon is available once per day.

ㄴ You can't watch the ad if the remaining entrance count is maximum.

ㄴ The recharging entrance count via watching ad is included in the rechargeable daily entrance count.

ㄴ If you reach the limit of recharge, you can't watch ads.

- You can shorten the construction time by 1 hour by watching the ad in Heavenhold.

ㄴ Watching ads in Heavenhold is available up to 3 times per day.

13. Changing Content Unlock Condition

- The unlocking condition for Orbital Rift has been changed to 'clearing World 2' from 'clearing World 4'.

14. Awakening Dungeon

- Rechargeable maximum entrance limit of the Awakening Dungeon has been changed.

ㄴ Before: 10 times, after: 30 times

- Recharging entrance count has been changed when recharging the entrance count of Awakening Dungeon.

ㄴ Before: 3 times, after: 1 time

- Price for recharging the entrance count of Awakening Dungeon has been changed.

ㄴ Before: 300 Gems, after: 100 Gems

15. Limited Time Package

- Purchase Period: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

1. Collaboration Package #1

- Paid Gems x 10,000

2. Collaboration Package #2

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 5, Book of Blessing x 50

3. Collaboration Package #3

- Legendary Awakening Stone x 100, Lv.70 Awakening Dungeon Box x 100

4. Collaboration Package #4

- Hero Crystal x 700

5. Collaboration Package #5

- Stamina x 1,000

16. Collaboration Relay Package

- Purchase Period: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

※ Collaboration Relay Package can be purchased from #1 to #6 during the purchasable period, and then can be purchased again from #1 to #6.

1. Collaboration Relay #1

- Summon Controller x 30

2. Collaboration Relay #2

- Summon Controller x 30

3. Collaboration Relay #3 (Free)

- Summon Controller x 30

4. Collaboration Relay #4

- Summon Controller x 30

5. Collaboration Relay #5

- Summon Controller x 30

6. Collaboration Relay #6 (Free)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1, Summon Controller x 30

17. First-class Mage Fern Relay Growth Package

- Purchase Period: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-04 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-04 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-03 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-04 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-04 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-04 15:59 AET

※ The package is available when receiving the Hero after the summon.

※ The pop-up for the package is available up to 7 days after the first pop-up, and after 7 days without making a purchase, it will no longer be displayed.

※ After the purchase period ends, the package will not be available regardless of the remaining purchasable period.

1. Relay #1

- First-class Mage Fern Evolution Stone x 500, Option Change Stone x 20, Option Lock Stone x 30, Gold x 500,000

2. Relay #2

- First-class Mage Fern Evolution Stone x 500, Option Change Stone x 20, Option Lock Stone x 30, Gold x 500,000

3. Relay #3 (Free)

- First-class Mage Fern Evolution Stone x 160 ,Option Change Stone x 20, Option Lock Stone x 30, Gold x 500,000

4. Relay #4

- Lv.50 Strengthening Hammer x 5, Exp x 2,400,000, Option Change Stone x 20, Option Lock Stone x 30

5. Relay #5

- Lv.50 Strengthening Hammer x 5, Exp x 2,400,000, Option Change Stone x 20, Option Lock Stone x 30

6. Relay #6 (Free)

- Lv.50 Strengthening Hammer x 5, Exp x 2,400,000, Option Change Stone x 20, Option Lock Stone x 30

18. Ad Skip Package

- Ad Skip Buff (30 days)

- Selectable Summon Controller x 10

※ You can receive the rewards from watching ads without watching the ads when the Ad Skip feature is activated.

※ You can't purchase the Ad Skip Package when the Ad Skip feature is activated.

19. Festival Pass

* A new season of Festival Pass has started.

ㄴ Season Period: 2025-01-21 after maintenance ~ 2025-02-11 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-11 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-10 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-11 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-11 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-11 15:59 AET

ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: 2025-02-11 05:00 ~ 2025-02-18 04:59 (UTC*)

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-11 13:00 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-10 21:00 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-11 05:00 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-11 02:00 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-11 16:00 AET

*Server Time - 24hr format:
- Asia: 2025-02-18 12:59 UTC +8

- North America: 2025-02-17 20:59 PST

- Europe: 2025-02-18 04:59 UTC

- Latin America: 2025-02-18 01:59 BRT

- Oceania: 2025-02-18 15:59 AET

※ Guardians will receive all unclaimed rewards at once when claiming the level reward.

20. Shop - Costume

Hero Costume

- Party Attire Frieren

- Party Attire Fern

- Party Attire Stark

- Superstar Lupina

- Entertainment Journalist Lahn

- Weathercaster Eleanor

- Black Pirate Loraine

- Pirate Shapira

- Pirate Navigator Eunha

- Pirate Helmsman Morrian

- High Class Devil

- Oni Kanna

- Little Demon Cornet

- Demon Warlock Plague Doctor

- Winter Outfit AA72

- Mercenary in Boots Mikke

Weapon Costume

- Broadcast Camera

- Pirate Parrot Doll

- Anchor Sword

- Cannon Basket

- Helm Shield

- Teaspoon Staff

- Blue Umbrella

- Whipping Machine Gun

Official Patch Notes can be found here but you may want to use Google Chrome to translate it from Korean to your native language.